4° Conferenza Wto – Ancora nessuna imposta doganale sulle transazioni elettroniche.
È quanto è stato disposto il 14 novembre scorso con la dichiarazione conclusiva dei lavori della quarta conferenza ministeriale del Wto, l’Organizzazione mondiale del commercio, tenutasi a Doha, in Qatar, in cui inoltre si sottolinea come il commercio elettronico possa creare nuove opportunità per i paesi in via di sviluppo.
Qui di seguito il paragrafo della dichiarazione che contiene la disposizione segnalata:
WT/MIN(01)/DEC/1 – 20 November 2001 – Ministerial declaration – Adopted on 14 November 2001
Electronic commerce
34. We take note of the work which has been done in the General Council and other relevant bodies since the Ministerial Declaration of 20 May 1998 and agree to continue the Work Programme on Electronic Commerce.
The work to date demonstrates that electronic commerce creates new challenges and opportunities for trade for Members at all stages of development, and we recognize the importance of creating and maintaining an environment which is favourable to the future development of electronic commerce.
We instruct the General Council to consider the most appropriate institutional arrangements for handling the Work Programme, and to report on further progress to the Fifth Session of the Ministerial Conference.
We declare that Members will maintain their current practice of not imposing customs duties on electronic transmissions until the Fifth Session.
[Testo originale della dichiarazione: https://www-heva.wto-ministerial.org/english/thewto_e/minist_e/min01_e/min01_e.htm ]